Al Masjid

By Abdulafees Aaqib

I have never seen a place whose stillness is like the Masjid
A place for those who seek God
This is the place I go
Where Allah only knows
This place is my home
Where my heart overflows

I call it the believers’ Eden
Paradise on Earth, it is
Illuminating souls with its brightness (Light)
Glad tidings to the believers
Of this safe haven, thy dwellers.

The only place where all are equal
Whether rich or poor
Hear the adhan echo through its dome
Calling to success and prayer in the morn

Behold the house of Al-Mu’min
The best place to be in this world, be it an inn
Unity, Peace and all it preaches towards companionship
In submission, we worship
The Controller of Heaven and Earth with (in) His Lordship.

Sacred you are! With divinity!
A symbol of strength to the community
Full of dhikr that fills the heart with tranquillity.
Soothing the mind with thy serenity.
Even in times of adversity,
You are void of atrocities and immorality.

An abode of greatness!
How do I describe thy Holiness?
Which prohibits profaneness?
Preserving equality and Justice
Open doors that leads to eternal bliss

Today, our Masjid stands half empty
No more a place of plenty
Yet its ours for free, no charge for entry

It doors are open, people go inside
For all are welcome and in peace reside
I place my head on the ground
Then raise my hands up to the sky
For Allah have the answers to all my why.

Just a building you say!
But more than what you see, Nay!
A community which defines brotherhood
Where no one can will ever feel alone
With imperfections, we strive
Attaining the pleasure of Ar Rabb, Our drive.

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