What Came Naturally

By Anonymous

This is the face that you see
When I arrive broken and out of my comfort zone
This is the body that holds the pain… And the brain that is telling me you won’t know how to help

This is me coming to you because I don’t know where else to go — or what else to do
But neither do you.
Running tests to appease diagnosing dis-ease thinking that some answer – even the wrong answer will bring me some measure of peace – and wellbeing. But it doesn’t

Twenty years later I suffer still.
I have tried your pills
I have taken your tests
But your eyes can’t see it
So it must be me.

I find a new kind of doctor!
Not a doctor at all!
No fancy white coat or medical degree
Only shelves filled with boxes of food I’ve never seen
They call themselves nutritionists and they seem to know exactly what I’m feeling!
It’s called IBS — and yes, it’s a thing! Their tests are different. Radical. Unheard of. Ahead of- the doctors who can’t see. But at least now I know it’s not me

I do a breath test. And I have gas. Methane it would seem. But still, the doctors can’t see.
How many people and how much pain and how long must we complain? For you to see?
There is more than what meets the eye

Take a moment to look at my face. See the grace. Feel my despair.
I am hurting and I need you to care.

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