A Dialogue Betwixt Horace And Lydia, Translated Anno 1627, And Set By Mr. Ro. Ramsey By Robert Herrick
Hor. While, Lydia, I was loved of thee,
Nor any was preferred ‘fore me
To hug thy whitest neck, than I
The Persian king lived not more happily.
Lyd. While thou no other didst affect,
Nor Chloe was of more respect
Than Lydia, far-famed Lydia,
I flourished more than Roman Ilia.
Hor. Now Thracian Chloe governs me,
Skilful i’ th’ harp and melody;
For whose affection, Lydia, I
(So fate spares her) am well content to die.
Lyd. My heart now set on fire is
By Ornithes’ son, young Calais,
For whose commutual flames here I,
To save his life, twice am content to die.
Hor. Say our first loves we should revoke,
And, severed, join in brazen yoke;
Admit I Chloe put away,
And love again love-cast-off Lydia?
Lyd. Though mine be brighter than the star,
Thou lighter than the cork by far,
Rough as the Adriatic sea, yet I
Will live with thee, or else for thee will die.
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.