Albania Poem

By Dove Windsor

In the cradle of the Balkans, where tales unfold,
Albania’s story, a narrative of courage, bold,
Mountainous landscapes, proud and grand,
A nation’s spirit etched in every strand.

Albanian peaks touch the azure sky,
Guardians of a realm, where echoes fly,
Valleys below, where rivers weave,
A tapestry of history, a land to believe.

Minarets rise with a graceful stance,
In the Albanian breeze, a rhythmic dance,
Places of worship, symbols of devotion,
In this ancient land, a timeless notion.

Through epochs marked by strife and song,
Resilient hearts, steadfast and strong,
Defying odds with unwavering might,
Albania stands, bathed in history’s light.

Land of poets, artists, voices pure,
Their echoes through time will endure,
Words penned like melodies, flowing free,
A chorus of pride, a nation’s decree.

Tirana, a city where dreams aspire,
A mosaic of cultures, a vibrant lyre,
In the tapestry of time, a tale is spun,
Albania’s journey under the Balkan sun.

Oh, Albania, with history profound,
Where ancient treasures and tales abound,
Facing challenges with a stoic gaze,
A nation resilient, through changing days.

Scars may linger, etched on the land,
But hope persists, a guiding hand,
In valleys where olive groves sway,
Albanian hearts seek a brighter day.

Through the tests of time, a steadfast climb,
Above the echoes of every paradigm,
Albania, a future yet untold,
A story of triumph, courage to unfold.

In the East, a jewel by the Adriatic sea,
Albania stands, proud and free,
Oh, Albania, in your heritage so grand,
A beacon of resilience, forever you’ll stand.