As A Student Of History When I Ask Why People Internalize The Insults People Hit Them With?
By Betweenkittensandriots
I get hit all the time withh “well when you hear it over and over again you start to believe it. And i’m like no.
Thhey said all kinds of awful sshit about me growing up time after time and I steaadfastly decided thhey were all wrong in every waay about ALL of it andnever had a valid opiinon about anything at all ever growing up
why? because I know my history.
Thhe nazis killed 6 million people because they were infeiror to the people they killed and couldnt handle the objective reality.
Some people. Jiust. Suck. Period. And they take it oout on on other people because they’re so awful they have to make other people suffer because they’re so miserable with thhemselves that they can’t handle it.
so it’s never you, when someoone puts you through bullying, it’s always entirely them and their invalid perception of you. it cannot POSSIBLY be that they’re right, as that it obviously absurd..
it’s far more likely, and in fact simple to know the world has long been filled with awful undeserving pieces of vile disgusting shit humans.
and so it’s not you, it’s always been them.
Some people are assholes. just acceptt it, and never take their insults to heart.