At Night By Kate Louise Wheeler
At night when all the world is still,
And stars in glory shine,
There comes to earth a whisper sweet
Of peace and love divine.
And gazing upward to the sky,
Where million lights appear,
We seem to see the heaven beyond,
And feel that Christ is near.
The weary day is past and gone,
The angels sing again
Of glory to the God on high
And “Peace, good will toward men.”
We seem to hear beyond the night
The music soft and sweet;
And laying all our burdens down,
We rest at Jesus’ feet.
Our trusting hearts and hope of heaven
Have banished doubt and care,
And Christ is waiting to forgive,—
To answer every prayer.
This love immortal is our guide,
And shorter seems the way;
Beyond the stars and night of earth
Is home and endless day.
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.