Beyond The Profit Of Today By Anonymous
Give me vision that shall see
Beyond the profit of today
Into the years which are to be,
That I may take the larger, wiser way.
I seek for fortune, nor claim
To scorn the recompense I earn;
But help me, as I play the game,
To give the world it’s just return.
Though the earth is made for all of us
Teach me through struggle, strain, and stress
To win and do my share, for thus
Can profit lead to happiness.
Guard me from thoughts of little men
Which blind the soul to greater things;
Save me from smug content and then
From greed and selfishness it brings.
Aid me to join that splendid clan
Of people who seek to trace
A calm, considered working-plan
To make the world a better place.
Teach me to hold this task above
All lesser thoughts within this humble creature,
That thus I may be worthy of
The honored name of (Business Man, Teacher).
(Put in your own title)
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.