Buttercups And Daisies

By Eliza Cook

I never see a young hand hold
The starry bunch of white and gold,
But something warm and fresh will start
About the region of my heart; –
My smile expires into a sigh;
I feel a struggling in my eye,
‘Twixt humid drop and sparkling ray,
Till rolling tears have won their way;
For, soul and brain will travel back,
Through memory’s chequer’d mazes,
To days, when I but trod life’s track
For buttercups and daisies.

There seems a bright and fairy spell
About there very names to dwell;
And though old Time has mark’d my brow
With care and thought, I love them now.
Smile, if you will, but some heartstrings
Are closest link’d to simplest things;
And these wild flowers will hold mine fast,
Till love, and life, and all be past;
And then the only wish I have
Is, that the one who raises
The turf sod o’er me, plant my grave
With buttercups and daisies.

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