Compound Hibernation

By Will Alexander

Those who glance about me
who cease to see inside the Sun
who cease to imagine its destabilized pre-quanta
cannot know me
cannot know my ethos as pumice
as mingled apparition or flare

my perception through the prior sun that I ingest
like a blackened pre-existence
or collected hawks through assignation

the Sun
with its dualisms
with its pre-biotic photons which waver

9 suns before the Sun existed
before the oceans seemed formed
there were molecular drafts

akashic precursors
floating proto-ammonia

I think of carbon
& wisps
& floodings

of feral combat shelter
where blank geometry accrues

before separable biology was born
before the contradictory ballast of de-existent protozoa

being scorching photon by abstentia
like a pre-atomic sigil
destabilized as blizzard

a pre-cognitive rotation
a strange galvanics of the cosmos

& because of this galvanics
one reeks of invisible tremor
walking around in league with daunting helium affliction

the mirrors in my skin like haunted salamander fluid
like cells bereft with cooling centigrade rotation

I know the abyss as volatile lunar transposition
as sub-liminal mantis as climbing
as splintering

therefore I am not
an oily or blasphemous yogin
collapsing in default by sudden anger or water

yet I am compound
struggling with scattered mental a-rhythmia
with partial psychic aphasia
aloof by interior compounding

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