Dance Of The Sunbeams By Bliss Carman
When morning is high o’er the hilltops,
On river and stream and lake,
Wherever a young breeze whispers,
The sun-clad dancers wake.
One after one up-springing,
They flash from their dim retreat.
Merry as running laughter
Is the news of their twinkling feet.
Over the floors of azure
Wherever the wind-flaws run,
Sparkling, leaping, and racing,
Their antics scatter the sun.
As long as water ripples
And weather is clear and glad,
Day after day they are dancing,
Never a moment sad.
But when through the field of heaven
The wings of storm take flight,
At a touch of the flying shadows
They falter and slip from sight.
Until at the gray day’s ending,
As the squadrons of cloud retire,
They pass in the triumph of sunset
With banners of crimson fire.
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.