
By Anonymous

Email scams flood my inbox
in a longer list than twenty blocks,
while listing spam I get flummoxed.
I delete by dozens while on the clock;
identity thieves are sly as any fox.
My intelligence, clearly they mock
wish I could curse them all with chicken pox!

The phone rings seventy times a day;
wish I had power to hold them at bay.
Heavily on my nerves they prey,
I can only hope someday they’ll pay.
Numbers flood my call ID in array,
no identification do they display,
though no personal info do I purvey.

There is a useless No Call List;
never answer unless a message is left, I insist.
To ignore the scammers, I can’t resist
though I wish I could get a cease and desist.
order, still these idiots do not get the gist
how do I these irritants resist?
The FCC I’ve no fear to enlist.

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