February By James Berry Bensel
Around, above the world of snow
The light-heeled breezes breathe and blow;
Now here, now there, they whirl the flakes,
And whistle through the sun-dried brakes,
Then, growing faint, in silence fall
Against the keyhole in the hall.
Then dusky twilight spreads around,
The last soft snowflake seeks the ground,
And through unshaded window-panes
The lamp-rays strike across the plains,
While now and then a shadow tall
Is thrown upon the white washed wall.
The hoar-frost crackles on the trees,
The rattling brook begins to freeze,
The well-sweep glistens in the light
As if with dust of diamonds bright;
And speeding o’er the crusted snow
A few swift-footed rabbits go.
Then the night-silence, long and deep,
When weary eyes close fast in sleep;
The hush of Nature’s breath, until
The c*ck crows loud upon the hill;
And shortly through the eastern haze
The red sun sets the sky ablaze.
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.