Finding God
By Damian Cranney
I would like to find God, the enquiring mind said,
But I don’t really want to have to wait till I’m dead,
And when I say find him, I do not mean in spirit,
If he really exists, I would like to pay him a visit.
I would like to be able to ring up and say,
Is it ok if I call round and see you today,
I believe we are made in his likeness, they tell
So if he’s like me, we should get on quite well?
Now please understand, I am not being blasphemous,
I would love to meet God with no church in between us,
By church I mean all of the third party religions,
Who like business are franchised in all of the regions?
The simile with business is very compelling,
Each religion treats God as if they were selling,
And to compete in that market they have to state,
They own exclusive rights to God and his fate.
To ensure that you don’t deviate from their path,
You follow their way or incur God’s wrath,
And no matter how good your intentions might be,
Your “with them or agin em “ or condemned eternally.
If There’s only one God, and he’s common to each,
Why should you believe, what those religions preach?
I still think that my way would be better by far,
And him being omnipresent, I don’t even need a car.