Gentle Breeze Of Armenia Poem
By Khoren Nar Bey De Lusignan
WHERE art thou, sweet and gentle breeze,
Breeze of my fatherland ?
The spring has come, and tender flowers
Bud forth on every hand;
The warm sun smiles upon the world,
The skies are soft and blue;
Ah, zephyr of Armenia,
Wilt thou not greet us too ?
My country’s stars I see no more
Beneath these alien skies,
And when the radiant spring returns,
The sad tears fill my eyes.
The sun for exiles has no light,
Though soft it shine and bland.
Where art thou, oh, where art thou,
Breeze of my fatherland ?
Where art thou, breeze of Ararat?
Our sad hearts long for thee,
For poplar trees of Armavir
That whisper pleasantly.
Spring in whose bosom shines no flower
Sprung from Armenian earth,
To the Armenian is not spring,
But winter’s cold and dearth.
Behold, all Nature calls on us,
With invitation glad,
To celebrate her victory
O’er Winter, dark and sad.
The ice has melted, and the flowers
Awaken and expand;
Where are you, breezes sweet and soft,
Airs of the fatherland ?
Out of long, gloomy winters,
The winters of the past,
Oh, blow for the Armenians,
And bring us spring at last!
Awake exalted memories
Of glorious deeds and grand !
Alas, hast thou forgotten us,
Breeze of the fatherland ?
Hast thou forgot our tearful eyes,
Our bleeding hearts that ache ?
Wilt thou not mingle in our griefs,
Lamenting for our sake ?
Why should our sad lyre sob in tears,
In bitter tears, like these,
And thou not come to thrill its chords,
O soft Armenian breeze ?
Oh, from our country’s ruins
Waft to us through the air ,
Dust of our glorious ancestors,
Whose bones are buried there !
Life-giving breeze, Armenian breeze
From distant Edens blown,
Oh, bring to us our fathers’ sighs,
To whisper with our own!
One token bring from home, one drop
From the Araxes’ shore!
Let tears and smiles with memories blend —
Thoughts of our sires of yore.
Kiss the Armenian’s brow and breast;
Wake patriot ardor bold!
Where art thou, O life-bringing breeze
Our sires inhaled of old?
Power to Armenian cymbals give,
And in our souls inspire
The zeal of Coghtn’s ancient bards,
Their fervor and their fire!
Imbue Armenian hearts afresh
With courage firm and true;
Ah, zephyr of Armenia,
Awake our hope anew!
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