Hazare By Philo Ikonya
Sitting hand stretched flat on a hot stone
Giving thumbs up to Hazare a subtle flame
I travel the world like rays of unseen,
I beg for green the world is dry.
I will snatch this Hazare glimmer snatch.
I seek cool freshness of justice like water
And it is not here in the psalms that you sing
In your palms reading tablets as in Mosaic dialogue
Your shrines are robbed of the shadow of hope.
Even before Musa in the reeds,
I was waiting in Tahrir for Egypt.
Slavery was not a plan of nature, still we thirst, we still thirst
Afrika do not be left in the mercenary granary there is no air
Thank you Hazare for eating justice, faith will follow if for one day
Our consciences so dull you prick, Gandhi did stop over in Lamu,
How can his footsteps leave despair?
I see the swinging palm trees, that is my sky,
Hazare lies in Gandhi form starving and hungry for justice.
Tell India she is constipated with corruption and needs
With all of us this train corruption free to catch,
to this spirit to be is to be alive, spices replenish new health,
We eat fat faith in deeds today.
Hands blue, orange and pink! hold hands with Hazare,
none is corrupt alone not even a lone wolf,
India feathers her cap as world’s best democracy
Pakistan is not far away and we know of castes and pain.
If you love India be like an ocean, connecting coast to coast
all countries small threads in earth fabric,
pull one and the mesh will show a pattern.
Hazare blow your wind to Harare and to all Afrika
Our breaths monsoons have become Hazare.
Hazare blow, blow from over seventy years of rage
When I catch you in Kitale namaste Hazare, and then,
in Mathare slums in Nairobi I will wake and stare.
Chile found her way to good color even after a dictator,
Perhaps Hazare, you will touch Nazareth in a new way,
Everywhere in the world, Hannah still sorrows to conceive.
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.