How Did You Become You?

By Natalie

You are one of those people
That so effortlessly slip
Into my unsuspecting life.
You are one of those people
That can go unnoticed at first,
Later only to have me wonder;
How did you embed yourself
So thoroughly into my mind?
Unnoticed. How?
How could I ever not notice you?
How could you not be in my thoughts?
In my mind? My heart?
How did I not see this happening,
So quickly,
So slowly,
So certain,
So tedious,
So naturally,
So irrationally.
How did you manage
All of these things?
You came in and I had
Little opinion of you.
Just another face.
Just another name.
Your face changed.
Your name changed.
They morphed so gradually,
So subtly,
So beautifully,
Into you.
Into the you that is now
That is now at such
High importance.
That is now one name,
One face.
One heart.
That is now
Someone I need.

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