How to overcome stage fright (1)

How To Overcome Stage Fright

Everyone has their own way of dealing with stage fright. I usually find that most people start out by getting really nervous, but they don’t let it show to the audience. It takes a lot of practice and patience before you can do this effectively. Overcoming stage-fright can be done in many different ways, so try not to compare yourself to others too much along the way! Some methods include breathing exercises, meditation, positive self-talk, or even talking about your fears with someone else for support.

I’ve listed down the most frequently asked questions about stage fright and sincerely hope that you will find the answers you are looking for right here in this article:

What are the causes of stage fright?  

Stage fright is an overwhelming feeling of fear that strikes just before or during a performance. It can be caused by a combination of many factors, including nerves, inexperience, anxiety, and low self-esteem. 

Common Symptoms of stage fright include:

  • Increased Heart-rate
  • Sweaty or shakey hands
  • shortness of breath.
  • Racing pulse and rapid breathing.
  • Dry mouth and tight throat.
  • Trembling hands, knees, lips, and voice.
  • Shivering or cold hands.
  • Nausea and an uneasy feeling in your stomach.
  • Vision changes.

What are the common types of stage fright?

The different symptoms of stage fright are listed above. It is worth noting that other people will react differently to the condition due to a variety of reasons as well. Stage fright can occur at any gathering that has a performance or pressure element such as

  • Stage performances
  • Job interviews.
  • School or work presentations.
  • Exercise classes.
  • Work meetings and workshops.
  • Speaking to customer service representatives.
  • Making small talk with strangers.
  • During speeches and presentations.
  • Public speaking and performances such as stage plays, recitals, singing in front of crowds etc.
  • Music auditions for studios or groups
  • When taking an exam at school or college/university.

Can stage fright be controlled?

Yes, stage fright can be controlled, and stage performers have found several ways to do so. The first step in managing your stage fright is to know what’s causing it and why we get nervous when we perform.

Stage fright isn’t an actual fear of performing; instead, it’s a “performance anxiety” stemming from the anticipation of public speaking and the consequences of failure. This often comes out as general feelings like self-consciousness and awkwardness, but sometimes it manifests itself physically in symptoms such as sweating or shaking hands.

Luckily though, there are ways to control this performance anxiety so that you can engage fully with your audience without feeling like you’re going to pass out! 

  • Breathing exercises
  • Meditation
  • Positive self-talk
  • Talk about your fears with someone who is there for support.

There are many more different methods that stage performers use, which you can employ, such as yoga, hypnosis, or even just talking about stage fright.

How do I become more socially confident?

Whether you are seeking to overcome social anxiety or simply want to make friends with more people in your community, there are ways for everyone to become more socially confident. Social confidence is the ability to be yourself and feel comfortable in most social situations. To become more socially confident, all that is needed is a little bit of knowledge of human psychology and some practice. 

What are some breathing exercises I can do?

There are many different breathing techniques you can try to calm your nerves before a performance. One way is called “square” or “box” breathing, where you take in four seconds of air through your nose while counting to four, hold it for another four seconds and then release the breath through your mouth over a count of eight.

You can also try “three-part inhale” or “two-stage exhales.” These are done by taking three parts when inhaling (counting slowly to three) and two parts when exhaling (counting slowly to two).

You can also try humming. This might sound strange, but it’s actually an excellent way for you to calm your stage fright down by breathing along with the noise of your own hums! Not only does this calm stage-fright, but it has been shown that humming can also help you relax by activating the part of your brain that is responsible for producing dopamine.

How do I get rid of stage fear when talking?

Another effective way stage fright can be overcome is through simple positive self-talk. What this means, in basic terms, is talking yourself up rather than putting yourself down when having negative thoughts. For example, suppose you feel stage-fright coming on and start thinking about how bad your presentation will be or how much everyone hates you for giving it in the first place. In that case, you can tell yourself something like “I am capable of doing well” rather than telling yourself “, Oh no… I’m so nervous!”

Ways I can practice self-talk to feel more confident?

If stage fright has been affecting your life for a long time, it may be difficult at first to simply start practising positive self-talk. Instead of trying to jump right into saying things like “I am capable” when feeling stage-fright coming on, you can try using other forms of self-talk that are more simple. For example, you can tell yourself, “I am okay”, or even better yet, if it’s true, “It will all be fine.”

You are not alone in this fight against stage fright! Even if you don’t know what to say, simply saying “I’m nervous” out loud or even just thinking it will make you feel better. Just try taking deep breaths or some other form of relaxation while reminding yourself that you are more than capable of succeeding in the task at hand!

How do you build self-confidence on stage?

When you feel confident on stage, people will see it in your face and energy levels. They also pick up on nervousness which makes them uncomfortable too. However, stage-fright is different from nervousness. When you are stage-frightened, your muscles get tense, which can affect your voice projection. You feel like running away or hiding behind the stage curtain.

To build your self-confidence, you need to work on your craft. It is all about learning body language, projecting your voice and most importantly, knowing the material you are presenting.

Practice makes perfect, so do not forget to practice in front of a mirror or video yourself so that you can see any mistakes right away before it’s too late. The more you rehearse, the more stage-fright will decrease.

It is also important to remember that stage-fright can be a good thing because it means you care about your presentation and want to do well in front of an audience. It shows that you are passionate, but there needs to be a way to avoid getting too nervous where people see it in your stage presence.

It is also an opportunity for you to grow and learn how to handle the anxiety when it occurs again by breathing slowly and telling yourself everything will be okay. Finally, remember stage-fright is a normal stage of being human, so there is no need to be embarrassed by it.


We know that it can be challenging to get through a day when feeling shy or anxious. When we think this way, our brains often go into survival mode, and we don’t think logically. It’s important to take time for yourself and do things like meditation to learn how your body responds to different situations to better manage your anxiety levels and live the life you deserve.

Lastly, try physical exercises such as stretching or walking around before your performance. You could also try to change up the way you prepare by writing out what you want to say before going into an event so that it’s not just coming off the top of your head without much thought beforehand.

These are all great tips for managing shyness and stage fright! If none of these work, consider seeking professional help, which can be done through counselling services typically offered at many universities or through resources available online. Take care!