How to write an engaging press release

A press release is a written statement that announces an event or piece of news. Press releases are usually published to raise awareness for a company, product, service, individual or organisation. They are often distributed through the media and over social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. 

The best press releases will engage their readers by capturing attention with compelling language that informs them about what they need to know while providing entertaining content that sparks interest. This article will go over some tips you can use when writing your next press release to communicate your message and engage with your intended audience effectively.

Table of Contents

Who should use a press release?

Anyone from fortune 500 companies to start-ups and artists can benefit from a press release.

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Benefits of having a press release

-You can create awareness for your company/product and generate interest with the media, investors, partners and customers by sending them to this page on your website or blog post. It’s like creating an online brochure that you control once it is published. 

-They are great for promoting events such as product launches and conferences where traditional marketing methods may not be possible due to time restrictions (e.g., lack of budget). 

Press releases offer another way to capture interested leads before they forget about what they want from you when their attention shifts elsewhere between emails, phone calls and physical visits – especially if there’s no event follow up strategy for continuing contact. 

-You can use a press release in conjunction with events to keep people interested and engaged. For instance, if you are having an event on a Friday evening but want press coverage the following morning, schedule your press release for Thursday night to be published first thing Friday morning.

– Don’t forget about social media as another way to promote your company! Join discussions related to topics of interest or reply to requests from followers/following via Twitter, where they may have questions about aspects of what you offer. If appropriate, share links back to blog content like this, which provides insight into how best to leverage these tools when planning for success!

The best places to send a press release

You can send your press release to  some of the following places:

– local wire service (e.g., Associated Press or Reuters)

– national newspaper, magazine and cable news agencies (e.g., The New York Times, CNN and Fox News)

– trade publications focused on your industry sector

– social media sites like Facebook or LinkedIn with an update to include a link to your press release and other blog content related to what you are announcing.

-You can send out your press release to your email list 

-Your personal or company website

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How to compose a press release.

In general, the first step is to determine what you want your press release to accomplish. What are you announcing? Who do you want to read it and why? If your goal is for a third party publication like The New York Times or CNN to cover your announcement in their column or broadcast segment, then sending them an email with a link about the event (which they can access) would be ideal.

If no one will see it outside of trade publications related to the subject matter at hand, send that out as well but keep in mind that reaching multiple audiences may require more time on behalf of those who receive press releases by email, social media links or website posts.

-The next step would be figuring out where you want to send the press release. If you are a business or nonprofit and have established relationships with local media outlets, an announcement might be submitted directly to them on their website or via email. A company may also submit it for publication in a trade magazine related to its industry if they subscribe to The Journal of Commerce.

-The third major decision is who will compose your press release? You can do this yourself but hiring someone experienced in writing these documents would ensure that the work is done correctly and thoroughly, so it doesn’t need any editing before submitting. 

-Finally, establish a timeline by asking yourself when you want the press release published – date wise (such as today’s date) or event-specific (a few days before the event). 

What Information should you include in your press release?

Your press release should include:

– the name of your company and contact information 

– a brief description of what you are releasing, such as a new product or service release. 

– who benefits from this release? (for example, consumers) 

– when is it available for purchase/consumption? 

-why should people care? Keep in mind that press releases are not advertisements – they provide newsworthy info to journalists to get coverage on various media outlets and blogs. Be sure to give context by including any trends or developments related to your business’s latest release. 

-You may also include things like your brand logo, a photo of your business or product, and a graphic that illustrates vital features.

The best time to send a press release

Brands may opt to send out a press release during a time of crisis management or damage control and a major product launch. It is best to send it first thing in the morning during office hours to ensure that the person receiving it is in work mode. 

Try not to send anything during the weekend or at night. Monday morning is a good day too, because many people are catching up with their tasks for the week.

General press release tips and tricks

-Sending a press release to the wrong person can lead to it being ignored, or worse yet, buried. Make sure you know who your recipients are and what they like before sending out an email blast 

-Provide context when describing trends or developments related to your business’s latest release. 

-The more information journalists have on hand about any given event, the better prepared they’ll be for their coverage of it. That goes double if you’re planning on making a significant announcement that will impact consumers in some way. Bring them up to speed with background info to don’t feel like playing catchup while writing their story! 

-Most experts recommend not to send press releases during non-work hours as few people will be in a position to read it then.

-Have a press kit/ Media kit ready for recipients looking to find more information about you or your brand

-Make sure your press release is written clearly and concisely. 

-Be mindful of the fact that journalists are often short on time, so it’s best to keep them updated with as much information upfront about what you’re announcing or working towards. If they have all the facts at their fingertips, then there won’t be any need for follow-up inquiries. 

-With timely press releases, your company will get more attention from reporters than if you send out a last-minute email blast after everyone has gone home for the night!

Press release example
press release example

Press releases are a great marketing strategy to help you get the word out about your company’s latest product, service or event. If you aren’t using this strategy in your marketing plan, you miss out on potential traffic and brand awareness! Next, catch up on the basics of putting together a solid research paper.