I'll Never Love Thee More

By James Graham

My dear and only love, I pray
That little world of thee,
Be governed by no other sway
Than purest monarchy:
For if confusion have a part,
Which virtuous souls abhor,
And hold a synod in thy heart,
I’ll never love thee more.

And in the empire of thy heart,
Where I should solely be,
If others do pretend a part,
Or dare to share with me, –
Or committees if thou erect,
Or go on such a score,
I’ll smiling mock at thy neglect,
And never love thee more.

But if no faithless action stain
Thy love and constant word,
I’ll make thee famous by my pen,
And glorious by my sword;
I’ll serve thee in such noble ways
As ne’er was known before,
I’ll deck and crown thy head with bays,
And love thee more and more.

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