Lost The Remote Again!?

By Kewayne Wadley

You’re always losing something
Beneath the covers in your bed.
For a moment I’d like to be the remote
That you cannot find.
The one that’ll reach out &
Bite you if you turned around and looked.
If remotes could talk, I wonder what
They’d say.
If they’d express the same vulnerability.
Lost and confused of where your hand
disappeared to.
Most remotes travel in pairs,
There is always one that wanders off
By itself.
That would be the one I’d like to trade
Places with.
To hide in your warmth.
To be butt dialed in anticipation
If I am lucky.
The glimpse of your face when you realize
Where I was the whole time.
To melt in each and every one of the kisses
Your hand has to give.
You’re always losing something
Beneath the covers in your bed.
For a moment I’d like to have my buttons
Pressed the way you do the remote