Make Your Mark

By David Barker

In the quarries should you toil,
Make your mark;
Do you delve upon the soil,
Make your mark;
In whatever path you go,
In whatever place you stand,
Moving’ swift or moving slow,
With a firm and honest hand
Make your mark.

Should opponents hedge your way,
Make your mark;
Work by night, or work by day,
Make your mark;
Struggle manfully and well,
Let no obstacles oppose;
None, right-shielded, ever fell,
By the weapons of his foes;
Make your mark.

What though born a peasant’s son?
Make your mark;
Good by poor men can be done;
Make your mark.
Peasants’ garbs may warm the cold;
Peasants’ words may calm a fear;
Better far than hoarding gold
Is the drying of a tear;
Make your mark.

Life is fleeting as a shade;
Make your mark;
Marks of some kind must be made;
Make your mark;
Make it while the arm is strong,
In the golden hours of youth;
Never, never make it wrong;
Make it with the stamp of truth;
Make your mark.

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