My Father's Kites By Allison Joseph
were crude assemblages of paper sacks and twine,
amalgams of pilfered string and whittled sticks,
twigs pulled straight from his garden, dry patch
of stony land before our house only he
could tend into beauty, thorny roses goaded
into color. How did he make those makeshift
diamonds rise, grab ahold of the wind to sail
into sky like nothing in our neighborhood
of dented cars and stolid brick houses could?
It wasn’t through faith or belief in otherworldly
grace, but rather a metaphor from moving
on a street where cars rusted up on blocks,
monstrously immobile, and planes, bound
for that world we could not see, roared
above our heads, our houses pawns
in a bigger flight path. How tricky the launch
into air, the wait for the right eddy to lift
our homemade contraption into the sullen
blue sky above us, our eyes stinging
with the glut of the sun. And the sad tangle
after flight, collapse of grocery bags
and broken branches, snaggle of string
I still cannot unfurl. Father, you left me
with this unsated need to find the most
delicately useful of breezes, to send
myself into the untenable, balance my weight
as if on paper wings, a flutter then fall,
a stutter back to earth, an elastic sense
of being and becoming forged in our front
yard, your hand over mine over balled string.
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.