My Sweet Afghanistan Poem

By Wida Tausif

As I walk in the streets of this foreign city,
I remember my sweet Kabul,
The beautiful gardens,
And the fountains.

Oh my sweet Afghans,
I’m the Afghan who has awoken
My nation’s anger has empowered me
My ruined and burnt villages have filled me
With hatred against the enemy,

I’ve found my path and will never return,
I’ve opened and closed doors of ignorance,
I’ve said farewell to my beautiful country,
I’ve seen barefoot and homeless children,
I’ve seen those children trying to find freedom in the last breaths,
In the waves of blood and in victory,

Oh my sweet Afghans,
With all my strength I’m with you,
Walking towards emancipation,
I’ve stepped up to the path of my nation,

To break all these sufferings,
All these chains of slavery,
I hope one day I could transform my country from oppression,
To freedom and justice,
That’s my only dream…