Nun Fun In The Sun By Sidney Beck

There was in hot Tashkent in the orient
A religious uprising – a convent dissent.
Army was ordered in with gunnery,
The soldiers targeted the nunnery.

Here are the events in vista:
One lovely sista was forbidden a mista,
But a certain young soldier kissed her
Unaware of the portents
For the jewel of the convent’s contents.

In her cell he wanted his love to foister.
(She had made his cloister moister.)
His inclination was to osculate ;
The incident threatened to escalate.

Her kiss made him forget his gun,
Which overheated in the sun.
The magazine cooked until done,
Then bang, their love was gone.

Nun Fun In The Sun By Sidney Beck Features In:


Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.


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