Puerto Rico Poem
By Nassy Fesharaki
To his house, invited
-met his wife and after
-shared coffee in detail…
Talked of life, background
-future, in front,
-as well as arts and songs.
“I like the Cecilia…”
-I said and saw his wife
-was tempered, rejected
-Simon and Garfunkel.
Wish I could remember
-any of first, last names!
-He was my classmate.
Through time, we forget
-don’t recall most of them!
Was born on the island
-but had moved; to mainland.
Happy, as a US officer
-was of votes to join them
-to “United States.”
Wish I could see him now
-when US president
-pisses on his people…
Feels happy or guilty?
I would be embarrassed
-if done so, having shared
-selling of my people;
-exchanging their respect
-for receiving paper
-when Donald threw them
-to shut and clean up…
-their mouths, as if assholes!