Shackles Of Apartheid By Bongani Zungu
I look all round me and I’m engulfed by shame
I see people chanting freedom
But they have nothing tangible to show they are free
Because their freedom’s trail is unknown to them
Shackles of apartheid still tight on their wrist
Check the net and go through the list
See the names that exist in our midst
Because the apartheid segregation policy still exist
Kaffir used to humiliate black men
And Negros to disgrace a black men
In our minds we think freedom
Yet our attitude shows how tight the shackles of apartheid are
Our history is colorful
Decorated with blood of heroes and heroines
Who fought for the emancipation of non racial society
In black and white names of black and whites are recorded
They are recorded for the benefit of everyone in the land
To remind us the importance of unity
To embrace miscellaneous colors molded us to a rainbow nation
Who can turn a blind eye on the colorful history of South Africa
Who can claim an individual victory to the journey traveled
From apartheid era to become a nonracial society
We broke free from the shackles of apartheid
Why then adorn ourselves with shackles of shame
Every time you call your brother with derogatory word
The shackles of apartheid shine like a diamond necklace
And the artisan smile, for you pursue his evil art of segregation
Africa is my home and Africans are my brothers.
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.