The American Flag By William Parsons Lunt
Flag of my country! in thy folds
Are wrapped the treasures of the heart;
Where’er that waving sheet is fanned
By breezes of the sea or land,
It bids the life blood start.
It is not that among those stars
The fiery crest of Mars shines out;
It is not that on battle-plain;
‘Mid heaps of harnessed warriors slain,
It flaps triumphant o’er the rout.
Short-lived the joy that conquest yields;
Flushed victory is bathed in tears;
The burden of that bloody fame
Which shouting myriads proclaim
Sounds sad to widowed ears.
Thou hast a deeper, stronger hold,
Flag of my country! on the heart,
Than when o’er mustered hosts unfurled,
Thou art a signal to the world,
At which the nations start.
Thou art a symbol of the power
Whose sheltering wings our homes surround;
Guarded by thee was childhood’s morn,
And where thy cheering folds are borne,
Order and Peace are found.
Flag of our mighty Union, hail!
Blessings abound where thou dost float;
Best robe for living Freedom’s form,
Fit pall to spread upon her tomb,
Should Heaven to death devote.
Wave over us in glory still,
And be our guardian as now!
Each wind of heaven salute thy streaks!
And withered be the arm that seeks
To bring that banner low!
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.