The Blind Shepherd By Violet Jacob
The land is white, an’ far awa’
Abune ae bush an’ tree
Nae fit is movin’ i’ the snaw
On the hills I canna see;
For the sun may shine an’ the darkness fa’,
But aye it’s nicht to me.
I hear the whaup on windy days
Cry up amang the peat
Whaur, on the road that speels the braes,
I’ve heard my ain sheep’s feet,
An’ the bonnie lambs wi’ their canny ways
An’ the silly yowes that bleat.
But noo wi’ them I mauna’ be,
An’ by the fire I bide,
To sit and listen patiently
For a fit on the great hillside,
A fit that’ll come to the door for me
Doon through the pasture wide,
Maybe I’ll hear the baa’in’ flocks
Ae nicht when time seems lang,
An’ ken there’s a step on the scattered rocks
The fleggit sheep amang,
An’ a voice that cries an’ a hand that knocks
To bid me rise an’ gang.
Then to the hills I’ll lift my een
Nae matter tho’ they’re blind,
For Ane will treid the stanes between
And I will walk behind,
Till up, far up i’ the midnicht keen
The licht o’ Heaven I’ll find.
An’ maybe, when I’m up the hill
An’ stand abune the steep,
I’ll turn aince mair to look my fill
On my ain auld flock o’ sheep,
An’ I’ll leave them lyin’ sae white an’ still
On the quiet braes asleep.
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.