The Dragon And The Manticore
By Anonymous
I like to walk down to
the park on weekends.
There’s a portal in
the shallows of the lake,
and another in the alleyway.
The water dragon who
hangs around the dock
is friendly, and gives
good advice on fishing,
so long as you do not
cast a line in her direction.
The alleycat who likes
the dumpster between
Pearl’s Pizza and Big Al’s
is actually an alley manticore,
and he’s a little temperamental.
They’re hidden from ordinary eyes,
at least for the most part, but they don’t
mind a visit from those in the know.
They don’t like each other much,
and sometimes they get into
long hissing arguments.
I bring them both tuna,
though, and that is something
that they can both agree on.
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