The Eclipse Of The Sun By William Wordsworth
High on her speculative Tower
Stood Science waiting for the Hour
When Sol was destined to endure
That darkening of his radiant face
Which Superstition strove to chase,
Erewhile, with rites impure.
Afloat beneath Italian skies,
Through regions fair as Paradise
We gaily passed,–till Nature wrought
A silent and unlooked-for change,
That checked the desultory range
Of joy and sprightly thought.
Where’er was dipped the toiling oar,
The waves danced round us as before,
As lightly, though of altered hue;
Mid recent coolness, such as falls
At noon-tide from umbrageous walls
That screen the morning dew.
No vapour stretched its wings; no cloud
Cast far or near a murky shroud;
The sky an azure field displayed;
‘Twas sunlight sheathed and gently charmed,
Of all its sparkling rays disarmed,
And as in slumber laid:–
Or something night and day between,
Like moonshine–but the hue was green;
Still moonshine, without shadow, spread
On jutting rock, and curvèd shore,
Where gazed the Peasant from his door,
And on the mountain’s head.
It tinged the Julian steeps–it lay,
Lugano! on thy ample bay;
The solemnizing veil was drawn
O’er Villas, Terraces, and Towers,
To Albogasio’s olive bowers,
Porlezza’s verdant lawn.
But Fancy, with the speed of fire,
Hath fled to Milan’s loftiest spire,
And there alights ‘mid that aërial host
Of figures human and divine,
White as the snows of Apennine
Indúrated by frost.
Awe-stricken she beholds the array
That guards the Temple night and day;
Angels she sees that might from Heaven have flown,
And Virgin Saints–who not in vain
Have striven by purity to gain
The beatific crown;
Sees long-drawn files, concentric rings
Each narrowing above each;–the wings–
The uplifted palms, the silent marble lips,
The starry zone of sovereign height,
All steeped in this portentious light!
All suffering dim eclipse!
Thus after Man had fallen, (if aught
These perishable spheres have wrought
May with that issue be compared)
Throngs of celestial visages,
Darkening like water in the breeze,
A holy sadness shared.
Lo! while I speak, the labouring Sun
His glad deliverance has begun:
The cypress waves its sombre plume
More cheerily; and Town and Tower,
The vineyard and the Olive bower,
Their lustre re-assume!
O ye, who guard and grace my Home
While in far-distant Lands we roam,
Was such a vision given to you?
Or, while we looked with favoured eyes,
Did sullen mist hide lake and skies
And mountains from your view?
I ask in vain–and know far less
If sickness, sorrow, or distress
Have spared my Dwelling to this hour:
Sad blindness! but ordained to prove
Our Faith in Heaven’s unfailing love
And all-controlling Power.
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.