The Goblin
By Martin A. Ramos
Goblin, goblin, burning white
in what hell are you tonight?
Were you lurking in the house,
flaming white from your white mouth?
When the flames began to burn
in your stomach did you turn?
Did you giggle, did you cry
when the fat began to fry?
Oh what power! Oh what fire!
Watch the light go leaping higher.
Like a sun that cannot see
where you blind as blind can be?
Dealing daggers from the sky,
ask the piercing question, Why?
Dropping hot, evolving metal,
did you pluck the human petal?
And when pillaged was the land,
like a plague with palsied hand,
did you gather up the blood?
Feed the Rose of Pride this food?
Hunger, hunger would not cease.
Did you feast and call it peace?
Loud pangs yet to be subdued:
like a cancer, through and through.
Hush! Deny it not the right.
Gobling, Goblin, burning white.
After honorable toil,
to the Goblin goes the spoil?