The Hustling Pumpkin Vine By Uncle Mose

Say boy, don’t go a mopin’ ’round ‘n’ talkin’ in a whine,
But go out in the field and view the hustling pumpkin vine.
It has the kind o’ stuff in it that’s needed, boy, in you,
A kind o’ get there quality thet most folks say will do.

The weeds may grow around it but the pumpkin vine don’t stop,
It shows it’s there fer business an’ it climbs right out on top.
An’ if it strikes a big stone fence or ditch that may be wide,
It jes’ lines out ‘n strings the pumpkins on the other side.

So boy, don’t let the weeds or ditches drive you from your way,
But go ahead and get on top—do something every day.
An’ if things look discouraging, don’t ever mope or whine,
But go and learn a lesson from the hustling pumpkin vine.

The Hustling Pumpkin Vine By Uncle Mose Features In:


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