The Mosque

By Metin Sahin

ıts emerald green colour spreads peace and reconcıles the human beings
all of ıts sorroundıngs deserved to be saluted
the entrance courtyard solemn and sacred
the stone biers of the dead are in solıtude
the flowıng ablutıon fountaıns flowıng ready to babtize every soul

the hymns echoe everywhere
with the only name of the only god almıghty ALLAH
when the serene wind blows gently odor
the hymns cease ın solıtude and ın obeyance
people first begin to wash hands first
and then performtheir full ablutions
ıt loks as if the clocks and the time has stopped
tears fall from the repenting eyes
prays with open hands towasds the almıghty god ALLAH

Prayesr…pleading and repentence
reconcile the worries in the bosoms
at one side reciting of the holy KORAN
at the other side a secret harmony of the congregation
the chandliers beam to fight against time
as if to stop it from passing
with their multi colours
spreading happiness..peace and atonement
what a secret harmony is this
the sacred hymn of the MOSQUE covers everywhere
from the EARTH
to the HEAVENS
with its enchantments

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