The Resurrection
By John Gilland Brunini
Awake and praise, O dwellers in the dust!
The dew of this new everlasting spring
Is singing on the garden hill, the trust
Of death is broken; now will seas disclose
Their dead, earth’s slain will rise again.
For He
Who has not known corruption is not here — He goes
Before to Galilee.
Awake, and see
The sepulcher unsealed, the stone rolled back,
The winding sheets still reeled, the angels limned in light.
O Mary, Mary and Salome, seek
Him not among the dead, the heavy night
Of Adam’s guilt is fled, the Temple is rebuilt,
The stone rejected of the builders now is made
The corner stone.
Rejoice, rejoice, this is the day!
O Magdalen, who knew not where they laid
Your Lord, discard your spices, gather bay,
The Victim has become the Victor! He,
The Way, the Truth, the Life, is risen! O behold!
The Shepherd glorified has shown His sheep to fold!