The Snow-Flakes By Richard Coe
The snow-flakes, the snow-flakes,
The children of the sky—
How silently they come to earth
From their sweet home on high.
The snow-flakes, the snow flakes,
An angel band are they,
Array’d in robes of spotless white,
To cheer the winter day.
The snow-flakes, the snow-flakes
Their coming is a joy,
A promise sweet of blessedness
To many a happy boy.
The snow-flakes, the snow-flakes,
They cover all the earth,
And fill the maiden’s heart with thoughts
Of happiness and mirth.
The snow-flakes, the snow-flakes,
The sturdy farmer’s eye
Is lit up with a brighter joy
To see them in the sky!
The snow-flakes, the snow-flakes,
An angel band are they,
Array’d in robes of spotless white,
To cheer the winter day.
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.