The War In Afghanistan Poem
By Louis Clarke
The afghan war,
Whats a guy to say,
We followed Americans there,
For young lives to be taken away,
Every single day.
More people getting killed,
Technology like ieds,
Killing ‘em off,
Parents just waiting for the call,
That their child is dead.
And it gets worse every day,
In the bloodiest month since the war began,
Even if only injured,
Your life still comes to an end,
Cause it scars you mentally.
Its down to ignorance,
It’s as simple as that,
This war isn’t ours,
We just followed the yanks.
How stupid were we.
Or should i say,
How stupid are these politicians,
To follow a country to war,
Just for some recognition,
From the country we adore.
And still they won’t withdraw,
Till the war is won,
Well it’s a big price to pay,
When a mothers son,
Is getting killed everyday.
But you wouldn’t see an mp, s son fighting wars,
You don’t hear of the pm’s son blood being drawn,
From a bullet, a bomb, or a dragunov,
Yet other parents kids get killed every day,
Just to win a war, we shouldn’t have been in in the first place.