The Way To Travel By Anonymous
Some people travel in their autos,
Some travel in the railway cars;
But I’ve a better way to travel,
Unbroken by your bolts and jars—
A better way than horse or cycle,
Than biplane, steamer, or canoe;
The quite ideal way to travel
To Patterson or Timbuctoo.
My way is swift as any eagle,
Or tarries for a steady look—
The way of greatest ease and comfort:
To wit, I travel with a book.
I dread no storms, I mock at danger,
I reach the farthest, know the near;
I pierce the desert and the jungle,
Without the tremor of a fear.
I find the wisest of companions,
I get the sagest of advice,
And all my travelling is buttressed
With comforts of the highest price.
What is the best of travel volumes,
For highway, byway, hidden nook?
The book with which I choose to journey?
Of course it is the pocketbook!
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.