The Zebra Poem
By George Hunter
The zebra is a beautiful beast
He has stripes that go from west to east.
Or is it east to west? , I don’t know
But I like the way they seem to flow.
It’s camouflage, one of the best
It keeps the lions from their quest.
Stripes, a result of natural selection
By the zebra trying to attain perfection.
Must be a small relation to the horse.
Of course the horse, the horse of course.
Not easily tamed for a life of strife
Preferring to live their own free life.
A thing I wonder about, as this I write
Is it white stripes on black or black on white>?
One thing I know that comes to mind
Is that zebra stripes are like fingerprints,
One of a kind.
About anything more, I don’t have a clue
I think I’ll go and observe some at the zoo.
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