Thunk! A Noisy World

By Henry W. Meyerding

Thunk! A noisy world,
A world whose dinn you cannot escape
Surrounds you — damn.
The wind claws you, the sea bellows,
The wrath of its roiled torrents
Are multimedia bazar.

The screeching of fowl — You never escape the buzzard’s bark
The incessant twittering of idiot pests
Nor even the pounding of the woodpecker
For you this torture is.

Only a babble of incessant chatter, of thoughtless noise;
Or else, certainly you quiver
Attacked by booming resonant explosions
Ah, the jest of dynamite — What ho the NITRO

Thunk again! Your wife’s nagging,
Full of certain rectitude for you it never ceases
Even your own name you ignore at every possible opportunity;
You know you’re as thick as a plank
To the astonishment of no one else.

Ah! you who Deaf!
Forget not all those foolish hearies
Cursed by an impossibility of silence
Incapable of coherant or determined cogitation in a world they define
To be most beneficial for themselves
They are doubly damnned.

Think! and forget them not.

When I started to parody this little tome, I didn’t know it was so LONG! I especially groaned at the splashing ripples!
Anyone else here remember the Desiderata? It was a homely little tome that someone claimed to have found on a gravestone somewhere. It was later porven to be a total fake, but not before National Lampoon got through with it and authored the “Deteriorata.”
Take comfort amidst the toil of life
That your dog is finally getting enough cheese… etc

God bless her and all who sail in her…