Tuesday By Richard Allen Taylor
is grossly underrated, glad to be here, eager to get going.
Unlike Monday, it doesn’t care that the weekend is over
or that it was not designated a national holiday.
Tuesday is morning news and handy tool, the good dog
that comes when you call, the horse saddled
and ready to ride. It’s different from Wednesday,
which wants to be Friday, or Thursday, already dreaming
about the weekend. It’s the second pot of coffee,
fresher than the first, the ball already rolling. It’s not at all
like Friday, watching the clock, making dinner reservations.
You seldom find Tuesday hanging out in bars, unless it’s on a business trip
and has nothing better to do. If it stays out late, it knows
Wednesday will complain. Tuesday is a go-getter,
the kind of day everyone wants on their team. It almost never
gets invited to weddings or parties (except Mardi Gras) but more
than its share of funerals and insurance seminars. Tuesday works
more but has less time off than almost any other day. Even when
it goes on vacation, it has to tag along with Saturday
and Sunday and the rest of the family, who have already planned
the trip and scheduled the activities, usually without asking
Tuesday’s opinion. Tuesday is bells ringing, whistles blowing,
the fire engine leaving the station, not the most popular
day of the week, but the kind you might pick
as a business partner, the day most likely to succeed.
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.