Unkindness By Charles Swain
Oh! could I learn indifference
From all I hear and see;
Nor think, nor care, for others, more
Than they may care for me!
Why follow thus, with vain regret,
To serve a broken claim;
If others can so soon forget,
Why should not I the same?
Oh! could I learn indifference
From all I hear and see;
Nor think, nor care, for others, more
Than they may care for me!
There is no blight that winter throws,
No frost, however stern,
Like that which chilled affection knows—
Which hearts, forsaken, learn!
What solace can the world impart
When love’s reliance ends?
Oh! there’s no winter for the heart
Like that unkindness sends!
Oh! could I learn indifference
From all I hear and see;
Nor think, nor care, for others, more
Than they may care for me
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.