Why You Need a Poetry Journal Right Now
The practise of writing poetry, in its most basic sense, is an act of expression. Poetry can be a way to process your feelings and open up avenues for self-discovery. Writing poetry also can make other people feel less alone and more understood through connecting on a deep emotional level. This article will discuss how you can start your poetry journal so that you too, may experience these benefits!
Table of Contents
What is a poetry journal?
A poetry journal is a place where you can record your thoughts and feelings. Writing out our thoughts and feelings on paper can provide a therapeutic outlet for depression, anxiety or disorders that are often difficult to process. Sometimes we need the physical act of writing words to be able to comprehend them fully.
Poetry journals can be physical or digital. They serve as inspiration when life gets tough – finding beauty in small moments amidst more significant struggles.
Why start a poetry journal?
A poetry journal can be therapeutic in that it allows you to release emotions on paper. Relieving you of some pressure or burdens you might have bottled up inside your head. “It helps me remember my dreams,” says one writer who starts her day with an entry into her ‘Dream Journal’ – she feels refreshed knowing there is somewhere safe where all those thoughts are recorded for easy access anytime she needs.
Another benefit? The ability to step away from social media and just write for yourself. To acknowledge that your voice matters more than anything else out there online, and be your own audience. It is entirely empowering to know that everything you write is relevant to you and no one else.
The downside of poetry journals?
It takes time and dedication, but if your goal is personal growth or just want a place where everything matters, what would make more sense than investing in your private creative space?
The good news: once the journal establishes itself as an essential part of your daily or weekly routine, the project will start to feel like second nature! Poetry journals offer new perspectives which open up doors we may never think about opening before.
How do I start a poetry journal?
Start with a blank note pad or diary that you will feel connected to on an emotional level, whether it’s handmade, from your local bookstore or record store. The act may appear simple yet powerful and symbolic because when you look back years later, these memories can become priceless souvenirs that shape who you are now becoming. Starting a poetry journal can be a fantastic alternative to other creative outlets like painting or music and offers everyone something.
When is the best time to write journal entries?
Write when you’re feeling passionate about the topic at hand. If it’s something negative, some people choose not to let those feelings out to avoid any emotional harm or damage caused by releasing their anger and sadness onto paper.
Others can only say what needs to be said once all of these emotions come boiling up from inside them through writing down how upset/mad one might feel over an event- so if this sounds like more than just another task on our list, then we recommend permitting yourself!
If you have built up emotions inside, then releasing them through writing down how upset you feel may be an effective coping mechanism. In the end, this is a personal decision that is entirely up to you- but we’re sure you’ll see what benefits might lie in our suggestion to keep it up!
What to write in a poetry journal?
You can write about anything. What are some of the emotions you have been feeling lately? Have any recent events made an impression on how your day felt or impacted what has happened to make it a “good” one versus another that left negative feelings in its wake- like leaving work and being greeted by someone’s yelling, for example?
What days leave me drained instead of those that give more energy for creating poetry journal entries; when do I find myself feeling most passionate about my topics at hand (work)? If emotional upsets happen, then releasing them through writing down ways people might be coping mechanism helps with these situations: this is not too different from art therapy!
When we write out our thoughts, they become more accessible than if spoken aloud – so rest assured there is no need for worry of judgment or hesitation to put thoughts on paper. Writing is the best way to access all that’s inside our head, process adversity, and develop solutions constructively!
How do you get started?
To start, try using bullet points rather than trying something more complicated at first until confidence starts accumulating, then move onto other styles/types are made available through different varieties of articles online. One might also need to think about the season. For instance: it’s always a good idea to write during winter as you’re apt not to feel like venturing out into treacherous weather during snowfalls.
Journal entry ideas
- Revisit a poem you wrote a while ago. How does it make you feel?
- What are your values, beliefs or interests?
- How do you feel about the changes in your life lately?
- Compile a bucket list in poem form.
Remember how we discussed the difference between poetry and prose in a previous article? Try to make your journalistic entries as poetic as possible without losing the core of your topic. Here are a few ideas to spice things up:
Try a new poetry style with each entry. You could even try to imitate one or more famous person’s style! Or perhaps attempt to write in your second language. I tried this the other day, and I was pleasantly surprised. Have a look at this article examining 20 styles of poetry with modern examples.
Journal entry prompts
- Write spontaneous poems about objects around you:
- First impressions with something we might see every day but never really pay attention
- Imagine what would happen if something did not exist anymore!
- What are you grateful for today?
- Describe the colour yellow to a blind person.
- Write an “imaginary letter” to someone you’ve never met.
- Write about an animal or technology that no longer exists!
Have a look at this list of 52 poetry prompts if you need a little inspiration. Incorporating prompts will keep your routine fresh and exciting!
Unorthodox Poetry Journal Ideas
Try dadaist poetry. It is a relatively new form of poetry that involves the poet writing in a nonsensical or random way. We do this by taking words and phrases from various sources (magazines, newspapers etc.) to use as the basis for your poem. The goal of this type of poetry can be different depending on who tries it, but the main goal is to express completely original thoughts without any restriction.
Dadaist poetry can be aesthetically pleasing and give your diary some flavour. Blackout poetry is another emerging art form you have to try at least once. You can read more about blackout poetry here, and don’t worry; we will discuss dadaism in greater detail in a future article.
Are you excited about your poetry Journal yet? As long as you stay true, anything goes!
Poetry journal entry example
“A lot of people want to see me die, but I don’t think they know that death is inevitable and it will come, even if we run away. We are all going through the same kind of process at different intervals—the only difference my heart beats slower than theirs does because mine might not last a lifetime."
Jim Carroll
This excerpt captures how many poets feel about their mortality when writing for themselves or friends who have passed over before then can “survive” without forgetting what life was like while those still living continue moving forward.
Why are poetry journals important?
Poetry journals help us deal with our emotions. They allow us to process things that we may not be ready to open up about, and sometimes they help make sense of our own life. They are a place where you can document your thoughts without judgement or preconceived notions from others who often don’t know what it’s like inside the mind for someone feeling pain.
It takes courage to show vulnerability through the written word, but when done correctly, we can find comfort in knowing those words will never leave our hands no matter how old the journal becomes.
Our pain is something that we all experience at one point or another in our lives, and giving voice to those feelings through poetry can be a great way of transforming them into beauty. It allows us the opportunity to heal on an emotional level while also ensuring others who are going through similar experiences will not feel alone when they find solace in what others have written about their journey for healing.
More often than not, we look at poetry journals as something reserved for people who have gone through great hardship in life, but truthfully they can be helpful even when you’re just feeling mildly blue because there’s no judgement.
Do you feel like there’s nobody who understands you or feels for you? Poetry might help get out all this frustration by writing down thoughts and feelings to work past sadness and anger while also making peace with oneself again after such circumstances arise.
Don’t let the fear of judgment stop you from being yourself. If your journal becomes a place for only good things that happen in life, what will it have left? It’s important not to hide anything deep down within ourselves because we should live our lives fully without regret or shame.
I hope you found this article helpful and that it inspired you enough to start your poetry journal. Please share your experiences with us. We are on all your favourite social media platforms @pickmeuppoetry and are always looking forward to hearing from you.