With You By My Side By Anitapoems
This beautiful and memorable day,
has been carved into my mind.
A precious moment in time,
when our lives became defined.
Let’s rejoice and celebrate,
our love and our bond.
I cherish what we have,
with my heart I respond.
This journey of life is so sweet,
with you by my side.
My smile radiates,
with each passing stride.
Whether one or a thousand,
journey’s we take.
With you by my side,
I feel alive and awake.
My soul is filled with bliss,
due to the love that we share.
I promise you my dear,
I will always be there.
To the stars and the heavens,
our anniversary I shall proclaim.
My love for you burns like the sun,
with an infinite flame.
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.