Yellow Fever Tragic Poem
By Kevin Fang
Yellow Fever strikes with anger,
People fill with sense of danger.
As the city die and graveyard grow,
A lonely child waits for snow.
Many lives the fever will take,
Many people it had break.
Wishing for frost is all they can do,
How to stop it, there’s no clue.
Families abandoning family,
The fever still burns angrily.
It never stops until it’s job is done,
When the fever has killed everyone.
The mosquitoes caused all of this,
Not making a sound, not even a hiss.
It waits until it is time,
To sting everybody from behind.
Comes in a swarm it will do,
Spreading the fever like the flu.
When winter comes and cools the air,
The fever will soon disappear.
In the winter, it hibernates,
So, dear child, please wait.
In a land that was free,
Yellow Fever struck in 1793.