86,400 Seconds
By Jim Yerman
If we were given 86,400 dollars every day to spend any way we could
And at the end of the day what we didn’t spend would be lost to us for good,
What would we do? We wouldn’t have to think too hard, or engage in a long discourse
We would take that money, go right out and spend it all, of course!
Each day we are given 86,400 seconds, it’s been this way for centuries.
86,400 seconds every day- do with as we please.
There is one caveat, you might say this gift comes with a hidden cost
Whatever time we don’t use wisely, at the end of the day is lost.
Yes, it’s free and it’s ours to spend, no strings attached…however
Whatever time we lose today is time that’s lost forever.
Yet such is the nature of this gift- true our daily seconds don’t accrue
That when we wake the next morning- each day we start anew.
I believe the lesson we are shown here- since there’s no way to extend them
The 86,400 seconds are less important- than how we choose to spend them.