
9+ Intoxicating Poems About Drugs

There’s no escaping the influence of drugs in society. Whether we like it or not, drugs are everywhere – in our neighbourhoods, schools, and clubs. 

And while you may never personally touch a drug, there’s a good chance that you’ll come across poems about drugs at some point in your life. 

So, what are these poems about? What can they tell us about drug culture? Let’s take a closer look.


Drug poems are fascinating because they offer a unique perspective on drugs and the people who use them. They can be humorous, dark, or introspective, but all offer a new way of looking at the feeling of being high, and they offer a candid look at the realities of addiction, which is often hidden from public view.

We hope you have enjoyed this poetry collection. If you found any of these poems about drugs to be particularly intriguing, please share them with your friends and family using the buttons below or on social media! 

Remember that we are always open for submissions, so if there’s a poem about drugs that inspires you, tell us about it in our Poetry Community. Take care!

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