Adventure By Robert William Service
Out of the wood my White Knight came:
His eyes were bright with a bitter flame,
As I clung to his stirrup leather;
For I was only a dreaming lad,
Yet oh, what a wonderful faith I had!
And the song in my heart was never so glad,
As we took to the trail together.
“Friends and lovers, good-bye,” I said;
Never once did I turn my head,
Though wickedly wild the weather
min were the rover’s rags and scars,
And the rover’s bed beneath the stars,
But never the shadow of prison bars,
As we ranged the world together.
Dreary and darkling was the trail,
But my Knight was clad in a gleaming mail,
And he plucked from his plume a feather.
And oh how foolishly proud was I!
“I’ll wear it,” I told him, “till I die;
Freemen we’ll be of sea and sky,
To the ends of the earth together.”
Yet now I know by my failing breath
I’m ripe for the last adventure, Death,
And I’ve reached the end of my tether:
But my Knight of the shining mail is there,
And his eyes are bright and he bids me dare:
So into the Dark let’s boldly fare,
Into the Dark . . . together.
Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.