Ahoy! Houston, We Have Ants Poem

By Kewayne Wadley

Silly little ants, playing on your toy beach encased in plastic
What is it that you plan on doing today,
Will you march across the sun with your little feet, not knowing where the ground meets the sky.
Will you set sail across your little ocean, wearing your little sailor hats.
Tell me,
What is it that you choose to do today silly little ants.
Will you reach farther than your feelers today,
Moving about as if nothing is wrong.
Do you have a fear of drowning in your plastic water,
Have you purhaps thought of something else to do.
With those little feet that move constantly, will you become astronaunts, wearing little space helmets,
soaring the bright pastels that color the background into the unknown. Becoming a distant twinkle like the stars above.
I do wish you well on your trip above,
Seeing if thats what you truly wish.
Tell me.
Do you feel the wind seeping through the cracks of your plastic globe.
Tasting like sugar to the senses,
Awaiting to move the sails of your ship made of each others bodies,
Carrying nothing but the weight of yourselves.
Riding each wave as it comes crashing.
No longer afraid of drowning.
You silly little ants wearing your little sailor hats,
How long is your voyage, is there a set time before you leave,
What shall happen if you strike land.
Will you jump for joy in a confidant march,
Will you make hammocks to rest your little heads.
Silly ants, how I admire your little feet