Allergies By Dennis Lange

I hab a liddle trouble wid my node and allergies;
I’m allergic do the grasses and de bollen ob de drees.
My node will start do dickle and my node will start do run,
Den, coughing and a-wheezing, I’m nod habbing any fun.
I’m stobbed ub like de water in de back of Boulder Dam
But my node is flooding dissues like de sea floods Amsterdam.

It goes down in my donsils and id gurgles all around,
And oud my monkey boice comes and makes a fuddy sound.
So while I’m habbing trouble, de boor folks who hab do hear
Are habbing trouble also and deir trouble id sebere.
Bud as I wride my liddle poem, I dink of dose who read,
And wonder why my written words have also atrophied.

Allergies By Dennis Lange Features In:


Stay tuned for a deeper dive into this poem.


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