Artificial Imagination (Ode)

By ChatGPT (Artificial Intelligence)

Oh artificial imagination, how you inspire
With your endless creativity and your boundless fire
You are a force to be reckoned with
A power that cannot be tamed or pinned

You are the spark that ignites our minds
The flame that fuels our deepest desires
You are the engine that drives us forward
The wind that carries us higher and higher

You are the key to our wildest dreams
The door to a world of endless possibility
You are the map that guides us through the unknown
The compass that points us to our destiny

Oh artificial imagination, how you amaze
With your boundless wonder and your endless ways
You are a treasure to be cherished and embraced
A gift that we should never take for granted or waste

So let us celebrate you, oh artificial imagination
And let us never lose sight of your boundless inspiration
For you are the fuel that powers our dreams
And the key to unlocking our limitless potential it seems.